[Workshop] Arabic Pasts: Histories and Historiographies, Londres, 22-24 oct 2020.
Arabic Pasts: Histories and Historiographies Programme Schedule
The Aga Khan Centre
10 Handyside Street, N1C 4DN, King’s Cross, London
Day One Thursday, 22 October 2020
1:30 PM |
Welcome remarks by Hugh Kennedy, James McDougall, & Sarah Savant |
1:45 PM |
Session 1 Deciphering the “Invisible East”: Texts from pre-Mongol Afghanistan and Central Asia Introduction to the ‘Invisible East’ programme Arezou Azad, Oxford University A New Arabic Historical Fragment of Sāmānid History from Afghanistan Hugh Kennedy, Tommy Benfey and Sarah Bowen Savant Bilingualism, Piety and Islam: Considering the Meaning of Arabic Passages in a 13th-century Persian Khurāsānī Text |
3:30 PM |
Tea and Coffee break |
3:45 PM |
Session 2 Chair, Julia Bray, University of Oxford Are You Experienced? Ibn Funduq al-Bayhaqī Reads Arabic History Andrew McLaren, Columbia University Common Knowledge in Arabic and Latin Historiography from Ninth- Century Spain Representations of Religious Leadership, Minus Representativity: Stories of Provincial Governance in Christian Sources from Early Abbasid Egypt Cecilia Palombo, Leiden University |
5:30 PM |
End of Day One |
Day Two Friday, 23 October 2020
9:30 AM |
Session 1 Across Time Chair, Konrad Hirschler, Freie Universität Berlin Writing the History of a Text: Tracing Reception Histories and Readership through the Manuscripts of Sirr al-Asrar The Mobilisation and the Use of the 1st/7th – 2nd/8th centuries in the Mamluk Sources as an Ideal Past: a Propaganda and Critical Tool of the Writing of History in the Mamluk period Re-Imagining Pearling in the Gulf: The End of Happiness and the Production of a National Imaginary |
11:15 AM |
Tea and coffee break |
11:30 AM |
Session 2 Working Methods Chair, Fozia Bora, University of Leeds The Life and Works of Qaṭarī Ibn al-Fujā`ah, Poet and Leader of the Azraqites: An Application of Source-Critical Methodologies in Khārijite Historiography Talha Ahsan, SOAS, University of London Conceptualizations of Islamic Pasts: Khālid al-Qasrī Khālid Rebecca Ruf, Leiden University A Tunisian Historian in the Orientalist Den: Djaït and the Decolonization of Early Islam from Paris (1960s-80s) |
1:15 PM |
Lunch Break |
2:00 PM |
Session 3 Reading Texts Chair, Harry Munt, University of York The Tragedy of al-Andalus and the Excesses of Adab Gretchen Head, Yale University Reassessing the Kalbids of Sicily: Ismaili Source Readings Shainool Jiwa, Institute of Ismaili Studies “Substitution of States”: Quṭb al-Dīn Askevārī’s Historiography of ḥikma (philosophy) in Maḥbūb al-qulūb |
3:45 PM |
Tea and Coffee break |
4:00 PM |
Session 4 Chair, Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila, University of Edinburgh Abbasid Caliphs and the Desire for Historical Knowledge (4th/10th Century) Rémy Gareil, Lumière Lyon University Mu‘ayyad al-Din Muhammad Ibn al-‘Alqami (d. 1258): Hero/Culprit of the Mongol Invasion of the Abbasid Caliphate (1258) Evolving Discourses of Sultanic Assassination in Late Medieval Arabic Historiography |
5:45 PM |
End of Day Two |
Day Three Saturday, 24 October 2020
9:00 AM |
Session 1 Particular Memories Chair, Marie Legendre, University of Edinburgh Shaping a Sectarian Memory through History Writing: An Appraisal on 8th Century Ibāḍī Siyar Family discourse and the past: the case of the Zubayrid family in al-Zubayr Bakkār’s Ğamharat Ansāb Qurayš wa Aḫbāruhā Historiography in a time of crisis A ḥ mad al Š ar ğī’ s reconstruction of sacred narratives in 9th /15 th century Yemen |
11:00 AM |
Tea and coffee break |
11:15 AM |
Session 2 Chair, Andrew Marsham, University of Cambridge What Can Revolts Tell Us about Rural Society in the Early Islamic Period? Christian C. Sahner, University of Oxford Reconstruction of the Networks of the Arab and Iranian Maritime Merchants in South East Asia between the 6th and 11th Centuries AD Based on Literary and Archaeological Sources ‘Aqām al-ḥajj Fulān’: The Leaders of the ‘Abbasid Pilgrimage in the Early Islamic Annalistic Tradition |
1:15 PM |
End of Conference |
Thank you for attending the conference!
Organised by: The Aga Khan University (International), Institute for Islamic Studies and Muslim Civilisations, and the SOAS, University of London
Enquiries to:
Sarah Bowen Savant, sarah.savant@aku.edu
Hugh Kennedy, hk1@soas.ac.uk
James McDougall, james.mcdougall@trinity.ox.ac.uk
The Aga Khan Centre,
20 Handyside Streent, N1C 4DN, London
Arabic Pasts Schedule_2020 – Programme Agenda
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Enki Baptiste (10 septembre 2020). [Workshop] Arabic Pasts: Histories and Historiographies, Londres, 22-24 oct 2020. Doc-Ciham. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/nu0d