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[Parution] « A Companion to Medieval Rules and Customaries », éd. Krijn Pansters

A Companion to Medieval Rules and Customaries, éd. Krijn Pansters, oston – Leyde, Brill, 2020 (Brill’s Companions to the Christian Tradition, 93). XII + 438 p. ISBN : 978-90-04-43154-6. prix : 229 euros.

A Companion to Medieval Rules and Customaries offers an introduction to the rules and customaries of the main religious orders in medieval Europe: Benedictine, Cistercian, Carthusian, Augustinian, Premonstratensian, Templar, Hospitaller, Teutonic, Dominican, Franciscan, and Carmelite. As well as introducing the early history and spirituality of the orders, scholars survey the central topics – organization, doctrine, morality, liturgy, and culture, as documented by these primary sources.


Source: Brill via 


Doctorant, philologie et littérature médiévale castillane. Casa de Velázquez, ENS de Lyon

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Matthias GILLE LEVENSON (12 juillet 2020). [Parution] « A Companion to Medieval Rules and Customaries », éd. Krijn Pansters. Doc-Ciham. Consulté le 10 septembre 2024 à l’adresse


Doctorant, philologie et littérature médiévale castillane. Casa de Velázquez, ENS de Lyon

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