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[Parution] Beata Sheyhatovicht & Almog kasher (éd), From Sībawayhi to Aḥmad Ḥasan al-Zayyāt: New Angles on the Arabic Linguistic Tradition, Brill (avril 2020)

Table of content

In and out of the Metalanguage: Some Reconsiderations of the Technical Vocabulary of Arabic Grammar By: Michael G. Carter

Pages: 9–27

Views Concerning the ʿāmil of the Predicate of the Nominal Sentence Incorrectly Ascribed to Sībawayhi By: Aryeh Levin

Pages: 28–36

Reading Poetry with Sībawayhi: Ittisāʿ/saʿat al-kalām and Metaphorical Thinking in the Kitāb By: Avigail Noy

Pages: 37–90

Aspects of Syntactic Effect (ʿamal) in Arabic Grammatical Tradition: The Term šuġl in Sībawayhi’s al-Kitāb and Beyond By: Almog Kasher

Pages: 91–106

Less Familiar Types of ʾan according to Arabic Grammarians By: Arik Sadan

Pages: 107–122

A Sparkle in the Debate about the Word ʾāmīn Used in Supplication and Its Rules in Arabic, by ʾAbū Muḥammad Ibn al-Ḫaššāb (d. 567/1172), an Annotated Translation By: Jean N. Druel

Pages: 123–140

The Theory of Definition in Šarḥ al-Kāfiya by Raḍī l-Dīn al-ʾAstarābāḏī By: Beata Sheyhatovitch

Pages: 141–177

Comparison to Arabic as an Exegetical Method in Tanḥum ha-Yerushalmi’s Commentary on the Bible By: Avi Tal

Pages: 178–207

The Arabic Language Academy in Cairo vis-à-vis a New Grammatical Phrase: al-ism al-ṯulāṯī (The Case of sāfara Muḥammad ʿAlī Ḥasan) By: Shlomit Shraybom-Shivtiel

Pages: 208–225

Enki Baptiste

Postdoctorant en histoire médiévale et en islamologie (Université Lumière Lyon 2 - CIHAM UMR 5648), chercheur associé au CEFREPA USR 3141

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Enki Baptiste (27 avril 2020). [Parution] Beata Sheyhatovicht & Almog kasher (éd), From Sībawayhi to Aḥmad Ḥasan al-Zayyāt: New Angles on the Arabic Linguistic Tradition, Brill (avril 2020). Doc-Ciham. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse

Enki Baptiste

Postdoctorant en histoire médiévale et en islamologie (Université Lumière Lyon 2 - CIHAM UMR 5648), chercheur associé au CEFREPA USR 3141

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