Parutions : catalogues on Medieval Studies, Brepols
Parutions : the most recently published books in the field of Medieval Studies.
A new Catalogue on Medieval & Renaissance Studies is also available that features the latest information on our publications on Medieval Society & Culture, the Crusades, Church History, Languages & Literature, Art History, Book & Manuscript Studies, History of Science, Archaeology, Music, Scandinavian Studies,…. Download your copy here (pdf).
On the occasion of the 26th International Medieval Congress (Leeds, UK) you can now order all available titles with FREE SHIPPING* via the brepols webshop using the following code: IMC19.
The Lands of Saint Ambrose
Monks and Society in Early Medieval Milan
Ross Balzaretti
Series: Studies in the Early Middle Ages, vol. 44
ISBN 978-2-503-50977-8
This book provides a history of early medieval Milan that incorporates the as-yet underestimated role of the city’s Benedictine monastery.
Jews and Muslims under the Fourth Lateran Council
Papers Commemorating the Octocentenary of the Fourth Lateran Council (1215)
Marie-Thérèse Champagne, Irven M. Resnick (eds.)
Series: Religion and Law in Medieval Christian and Muslim Societies, vol. 10
ISBN 978-2-503-58151-4
The Fourth Lateran Council (1215) was groundbreaking for having introduced to medieval Europe a series of canons that sought to regulate encounters between Christians and Jews and Muslims.
The Art and Architecture of the Cistercians in Northern England, c.1300-1540
Michael Carter
Series: Medieval Monastic Studies, vol. 3
ISBN 978-2-503-58193-4
A major reappraisal of the art and architecture of the Cistercians in the late Middle Ages.
Environment, Colonization, and the Baltic Crusader States
Terra Sacra I
Aleksander Pluskowski (ed.)
Series: Environmental Histories of the North Atlantic World, vol. 2
ISBN 978-2-503-55132-6
This is the first of two Terra Sacra volumes, which share the aim of changing our understanding of the environmental impact of crusading and colonization in northeastern Europe.
Ecologies of Crusading, Colonization, and Religious Conversion in the Medieval Baltic
Terra Sacra II
Aleksander Pluskowski (ed.)
Series: Environmental Histories of the North Atlantic World, vol. 3
ISBN 978-2-503-55133-3
This second Terra Sacra volume draws together a series of case-studies on Livonia and Prussia that provide a unique snapshot of recent research into environmental change during the Baltic Crusades and also explore long-term trends in landscape organization and environmental exploitation.
Cartulaire de l’abbaye de Saint-Pierremont (1095-1297)
Édition d’après le manuscrit de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, nouvelles acquisitions latines, 1608
Yoric Schleef, Natacha Helas (eds.)
Série : Atelier de recherche sur les textes médiévaux, vol. 25
ISBN 978-2-503-58084-5
L’abbaye de chanoines réguliers de Saint-Pierremont a été fondée en 1095 dans le nord de la Lorraine. Le cartulaire édité ici est donc une source privilégiée pour la connaissance des possessions de cette abbaye et des structures foncières de cette région.
Illustrated Medieval Alexander-Books in French Verse
David Ross, Alison Stones, Maid Pérez-Simon
Series: Manuscripta Illuminata, vol. 4
ISBN 978-2-503-58105-7
This book offers new perspectives on the reception of one of the most popular medieval heros of history and legend.
The First Latin Treatise on Ptolemy’s Astronomy: The Almagesti minor (c. 1200)
Henry Zepeda
Série : Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus – Texts, vol. 1
ISBN 978-2-503-58137-8
This volume presents a critical edition, translation, and study of one of the most important works of medieval science, the Almagesti minor, the earliest Latin commentary on Ptolemy’s Almagest.
Folk Songs and Material Culture in Medieval Central Europe
Old Stones and New Music
Nancy van Deusen
Series: Studies in the History of Daily Life (800-1600), vol. 6
ISBN 978-2-503-54132-7
This book takes a unique approach to the study of folk music in Central Europe. Through an analysis of this cultural tradition, and of how words and ideas that were first introduced in Latin Antiquity became increasingly cultivated, refined, and established in the centuries that followed, the volume also questions present-day studies of sound and its organization into the field of so-called ‘folk music’.
Byzantine and Umayyad Jerash Reconsidered
Transitions, Transformations, Continuities
Achim Lichtenberger, Rubina Raja (eds.)
Series: Jerash Papersm, vol. 4
ISBN 978-2-503-58024-1
This volume tackles aspects of the overlooked but crucial pottery of the Byzantine and Umayyad periods stemming from Gerasa, modern Jerash, in northern Jordan.
Studies in Byzantine Sigillography
Volume 13
Alexandra-Kyriaki Wassiliou-Seibt, Christos Stavrakos (eds.)
Series: Studies in Byzantine Sigillography, vol. 13
ISBN 978-2-503-58373-0
This volume contains papers about the seals as historical source and archaeological finding presenting their role in the Byzantine Prosopography, Byzantine Administration, Historical Geography and Byzantine Art History.
Pregnancy and Childbirth in the Premodern World
European and Middle Eastern Cultures, from Late Antiquity to the Renaissance
Costanza Gislon Dopfel, Alessandra Foscati, Charles Burnett (eds.)
Series: Cursor Mundi, vol. 36
ISBN 978-2-503-58055-5
Practices, perceptions, and representations of pregnancy and childbirth across regions and through history.
Transmission of Knowledge in the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance
Outi Merisalo, Susanna Niiranen, Miika Kuha (eds.)
Series: Bibliologia, vol. 53
ISBN 978-2-503-58156-9
This volume explores the Late Medieval and Renaissance transmission of texts of different genres, languages and periods from the book historical point of view, taking into consideration not only the textual but also the material aspect of the traditions.
Norse-Gaelic Contacts in a Viking World
Colmán Etchingham, Jón Viðar Sigurðsson, Máire Ní Mhaonaigh, Elizabeth Ashman Rowe
Series: Medieval Texts and Cultures of Northern Europe, vol. 29
ISBN 978-2-503-57902-3
This multi-disciplinary volume draws on the combined expertise of specialists in the history and literature of medieval Ireland, Iceland, Norway, and Scotland to shed new light on the interplay of Norse and Gaelic literary traditions.
A Soul’s Journey
Franciscan Art, Theology, and Devotion in the Supplicationes variae
Amy Neff
Series: Studies and Texts, vol. 210
ISBN 978-0-88844-210-9
The Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana in Florence houses an extraordinary manuscript: an anthology of devotional texts and images called the Supplicationes variae, dated 1293 and made for use in Genoa, that ends with a remarkable series of full-page illustrations.
Heretics, Schismatics, or Catholics? Latin Attitudes to the Greeks in the Long Twelfth Century
Savvas Neokleous
Series: Studies and Texts, vol. 216
ISBN 978-0-88844-216-1
This study aims to revisit and challenge the view that the so-called schism between the Latin and Greek Churches led to the isolation of the Byzantine Empire by the Latin states and eventually to the events of 1204.
The Repertory of Processional Antiphons
Clyde W. Brockett
Series: De musicae cultu, vol. 1
ISBN 978-2-503-57452-3
A critical edition of the repertory of processional antiphons with detailed commentary.
Femmes de savoir et savoirs des femmes
Littérature et musique religieuses entre l’Antiquité tardive et le Moyen Âge
Gabriella Aragione, Beat Föllmi (eds.)
Série : Cahiers de Biblia Patristica, vol. 20
ISBN 978-2-503-58167-5
Consacrées aux femmes de savoir, de l’Antiquité tardive au Moyen Âge, les contributions ici réunies se proposent d’identifier et de reconstituer, d’une part, les milieux et les contextes où ces femmes pouvaient exprimer leurs convictions religieuses par une prise de parole publique et sans intermédiaires masculins, d’autre part, les formes d’expression choisies, comme la rédaction d’ouvrages et la composition d’hymnes liturgiques, mais aussi les pratiques d’enseignement et la direction spirituelle.
Poetry in Motion
Languages and Lyrics in the European Middle Ages
David Murray
Series: Epitome musical
ISBN 978-2-503-58222-1
This book traces the fascinating travels of medieval courtly song around most of western Europe, and tells the story of what poetry, poets, and their scribes had to say about vernacular languages.
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