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Post-Doc “Medieval History”, Univ. Zurich (limite : 30 juin 2019)

The History Department of the University of Zurich (Switzerland) invites applications for a Postdoctoral Scholar in Medieval History (50%, temporary 3 to 6 years) attached to the Chair for Medieval History of Prof. Dr. Simon Teuscher.

Starting Date : 1 September 2019

The History Department of the University of Zurich is one of the biggest and most multifarious institutes of history in the German-speaking area. About 130 employees teach and conduct research here, and towards 2’000 students are enrolled in bachelor’s and graduate study programs.

Date limite : 30 juin 2019

Postdoctoral scholars will conduct a research project, teach two classes a year, and participate in the activities of the chair. Candidates should have a finished PhD thesis of exceptional quality, a postdoctoral research project, teaching experience, and teamwork skills.

Informations PDF :

To apply, please submit a cover letter including a full curriculum vitae, a publication list, an outline of the proposed project, and copies of diplomas and certificates. Please also indicate two academic references. Applications should be submitted as PDF file by email to by 30 June 2019.

Contact Simon Teuscher with questions :, +41 44 634 38 55.

The University of Zurich aims at increasing the proportion of women in research and teaching and encourages female applicants to apply for this position.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Marianne BRISVILLE (29 mai 2019). Post-Doc “Medieval History”, Univ. Zurich (limite : 30 juin 2019). Doc-Ciham. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse

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