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Journée d’étude:”Avignon as transcultural hub”, 08/02, Oxford

A MALMECC study day considering a range of themes centering around cultural transfers and scientific knowledge in papal Avignon, providing fresh understanding through interdisciplinary discussion based on a series of short position papers. Please see the full programme for more information. All are welcome, with early career scholars particularly encouraged to attend.

Attendance is free, but please contact to register.

On the eve of the study day, participants are encouraged to attend the following presentation in the Seminars in Late Medieval and Renaissance Music series convened by Margaret Bent at All Souls College, Oxford.

7 février, 5-7pm, Wharton Room, All Souls College, Oxford
  • Étienne Anheim (EHESS Paris): ‘The musical chapel of the popes fin Avignon during the fourteenth century
8 février, St Luke’s Chapel, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, 9 am
  • Karl Kügle: Welcome and opening remarks

Avignon and Italy

  • Étienne Anheim (EHESS Paris): Social and cultural networks between Avignon and Italy: organization and impact
  • Sarah Griffin (Oxford): Visual Worlds of Avignon
  • Coffee Break

Avignon, England, and the Empire

  • James Hillson (Cambridge): The English in Avignon: English Expatriates and the Tomb of Pope John XXII David Murray (Oxford) and Karl Kügle (Oxford): Avignon in Salzburg, Salzburg in Avignon
  • Presentation of new ERC project by Maria Sofia Lannutti (Florence), Antonio Calvia (Pavia) and Chiara Martignano (Florence): Ideology and Methodology of the Project European Ars Nova: Multilingual Poetry and Polyphonic Song in the Late Middle Ages
  • Lunch Break

Avignon and 14c scholarship

  • Philipp Nothaft (Oxford): Scientific Patronage in Papal Avignon

Avignon and Iberia

  • Karen Cook (Hartford): Music Theory in Avignon: Johannes Pipardi and the Catalán Copyist of Seville 5.2.25
  • Coffee break
  • Anna Alberni and Stefano Cingolani (Barcelona): King Peter the Ceremonious, the Royal
    Chapel and the Papal Court at Avignon: imitation of a secular or of a religious power?

Avignon vs Rome

  • Christophe Masson (Oxford): 1378, the end of universal Avignon? Some thoughts about cultural consequences of the Schism
  • Final Discussion and closing statement


Doctorant en histoire médiévale, CIHAM • Université Lyon 3 - Jean Moulin

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Ronan CAPRON (23 janvier 2019). Journée d’étude:”Avignon as transcultural hub”, 08/02, Oxford. Doc-Ciham. Consulté le 19 septembre 2024 à l’adresse


Doctorant en histoire médiévale, CIHAM • Université Lyon 3 - Jean Moulin

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