Financement post-doctoral:Jewish Cultures Across Mediterranean Europe[07/01/2018]
The project “Jewish Cultures Across Mediterranean Europe” (CSIC‐UCM), invites applications for one year research grant in the field of Jewish studies at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) or the University Complutense of Madrid (UCM), with a monthly stipend of 1,220 € and an additional travel allowance.
The grant is addressed to post‐doctoral candidates who have received their degree after January 1, 2012, and wish to continue research in any of the mentioned academic institutions.
The centers eligible for application are the Institute of Languages and Cultures of the Mediterranean and the Near East (ILC) and other institutes of the Center for Human and Social Sciences (CCHS) of the CSIC, as well as the Hebrew and Aramaic Studies Department of the University Complutense in Madrid.
Profile And Requirements For Candidates
The grant is addressed to post‐doctoral researchers from Spain (except for those previously enrolled in any of the academic institutions of the Autonomous Region of Madrid), Portugal and other European countries, especially those of the Mediterranean basin, excluding candidates who already hold tenured positions.
Eligible candidates must have a Ph D degree in Jewish studies, Hebrew philology, or equivalent studies by country of origin, and other research disciplines with interest in Jewish studies.
The 12‐month grant period will take place between February 1, 2018 and May 31, 201, being required residence in Madrid during the year awarded, exceptionally permitting absence during short periods duly justified.
The recipient of the grant will participate in the activities organized by the project “Jewish Cultures across Mediterranean Europe” (CSIC‐UCM), and will be responsible for his/her own travel arrangements and health insurance.
Submission Of Applications
Candidates must submit their application, by filling out the form and uploading the required documents, at
Only submissions received by January 7, 2018, will be given full consideration.
Required Documents
• Form (to be filled out)
• Current CV, English or Spanish
• Copy of doctoral degree title
• Plan of the proposed research activity
• Once recent publication
• One referee letter
Bursaries Award
The CSIC‐UCM selection committee will take into account the academic excellence and the interest of the proposals, and will decide about the submitted applications, informing all candidates about the final decision.
For pre‐application inquiries, please contact: // 91 602 27 63 / 91 602 24 13
Source: Maribel Fierro via
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Ronan CAPRON (13 décembre 2017). Financement post-doctoral:Jewish Cultures Across Mediterranean Europe[07/01/2018]. Doc-Ciham. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse