Bourses : 2 PhD fellowships (bourses doctorales), Centre for Medieval Literature, à partir du 1 février 2018 [délai : 1/11/2017]
Délai : 1er novembre 2017
2 PhD fellowships are available at the Centre for Medieval Literature (CML), starting February 1, 2018. The fellowships run for 3 years and the successful candidates must hold an MA within medieval textual culture (literature, philology, history, religion or other with emphasis on texts and/or languages).
CML is a Danish centre of excellence founded in 2012, based jointly at SDU and at the University of York. The centre‘s field of research is European medieval literatures in a broad sense. Its ambition is to propose new theoretical frameworks for the field which is still predominantly divided into national interests and paradigms.
The proposed research project for the PhD must fall within one of the Centre’s main themes, Canon and Library, Imperial Languages or Transformations and Translocations (see further at The centre encourages projects which include a comparative element, either chronologically, geographically or between disciplines and languages.
At present the centre and its associates can provide competence of supervision in Ancient and Medieval History, History of Religion, Spanish, Greek, Latin, Art History, Comparative Literature; co-supervision can also be provided by York within French, Old and Middle English, Italian and Old Norse.
Further information is available from the Head of the Centre for Medieval Literature Lars Boje Mortensen, email:
Application, salary and conditions of employment etc.A PhD Fellowship is a three-year position. Employment ends automatically by the end of the period. The holder of the fellowship is not allowed to have other paid employment during the three-year period.
To qualify for a PhD position you must have completed a relevant master’s degree with a good assessment by the application deadline.
Applications will be assessed by an expert assessment panel. All applicants will receive the part of the panel’s assessment that is relevant to their application.
For more information, please see “2 PhD Fellowships in Medieval Literature” at the SDU Vacant Positions page,
An interview may form part of the overall assessment of the applicants’ qualifications.
The Faculty expects applicants to read the information “How to apply” before applying.
Application and all appendices must be in Danish, English or one of the Scandinavian languages.
Only material in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, and English will be assessed. Please always include a copy of original diploma/certificates.
The application should include:
- Special PhD-application form found here
- Curriculum Vitae
- Detailed project description, no more than 5 pages of 2.400 keystrokes
- Examination certificates
- A maximum of 2 of the most relevant publications. Please attach one pdf-file for each publication. For any publication with a co-author, a co-author statement must be submitted as part of the pdf-file
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Olivier Brisville-Fertin (20 septembre 2017). Bourses : 2 PhD fellowships (bourses doctorales), Centre for Medieval Literature, à partir du 1 février 2018 [délai : 1/11/2017]. Doc-Ciham. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse