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Appel à communication et publication : “5th Biennial Conference of the Society for the Medieval Mediterranean”, Gand 10-12 juillet 2017 [délai : 31 octobre 2016]

Society for the Medieval Mediterranean conference 2017, Ghent University, Belgium, 10-12 July 2017
“Communities, Imaginations and Emotions in the Medieval Mediterranean”
We are pleased to announce that the fifth biennial conference of the Society for the Medieval Mediterranean will take place at Ghent University from Monday 10th July to Wednesday 12th July 2017. The theme of the conference is “Communities, Imaginations and Emotions in the Medieval Mediterranean”. We welcome papers from all disciplines that study emotions, imaginations and communities in, of and across the Medieval Mediterranean. This theme invites a variety of lines of inquiry, a number of which are suggested below. How were emotions produced, expressed and communicated? To what end were imaginations used and abused? In what ways were communities perceived and understood? What communalities and particularities are there? Which challenges do the literary, historical, archaeological and other sources pose in this respect?
Topics of the conference include, but are by no means limited to:
  • Emotional and imagined communities
  • Selfing and othering
  • Identity and alterity, senses of belonging, ties that bond
  • Memory, nostalgia and the imagined or idealized past
  • Mirabilia, wonders and magic
  • Worldviews and other social schemata
  • Mobility across borders
  • Emotional and communal dimensions to identity
  • Honour and shame, social codes and values
  • Emotions bodily felt, orally expressed
  • Reading and sharing emotions
  • Methodological problems when inquiring emotions and imaginations
Abstract: We invite 200-300 word abstracts for individual 20-minute papers relating to the conference theme (including name, title, affiliation, most important publications, keywords). Participants are encouraged to submit proposals for panels of 3 papers – in this case, the panel proposer should collate the three abstracts and submit them together, indicating clearly the rationale behind the planned panel.
Deadline: Abstracts for individual papers and proposals for panels should be emailed to the conference email address (smm2017[at] by Monday 31st October 2016. Applicants will be notified regarding the acceptance of their panel or paper by January 2017.
Postgraduate student bursaries: We will offer up to 10 bursaries for MA and PhD students who are interested in presenting at the Conference. The bursaries, which will cover the Conference fees, will be assigned to those proposals, which best fit the theme of the Conference.
Publication: Presenters will be invited to submit their papers for publication in the Society’s journal, Al Masaq: Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean (, published by Taylor and Francis. Previous conferences have resulted in the publication of special issues of the journal as well as individual articles.
Queries: Specific questions about the conference can be directed to the conference organizers, Professor Jo Van Steenbergen, Dr Kristof D’hulster and Dr Joachim Yeshaya at the conference email address (
Conference website:

Olivier Brisville-Fertin

Docteur en Études hispaniques (2020); thèse sur la production aljamiada des communautés mudéjares et morisques d'Aragon, en particulier la prédication islamique en vernaculaire.

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Olivier Brisville-Fertin (7 octobre 2016). Appel à communication et publication : “5th Biennial Conference of the Society for the Medieval Mediterranean”, Gand 10-12 juillet 2017 [délai : 31 octobre 2016]. Doc-Ciham. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse

Olivier Brisville-Fertin

Docteur en Études hispaniques (2020); thèse sur la production aljamiada des communautés mudéjares et morisques d'Aragon, en particulier la prédication islamique en vernaculaire.

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