Appel : “Digital Access to Textual Cultural Heritage – DATeCH” – 6-7 octobre 2016 [Délai : 30 mai]
Call for papers
Poznan, 6-7 October, 2016
The DATeCH international conference brings together researchers and practitioners looking for innovative approaches for the creation, transformation and exploitation of historical documents in digital form.
Important dates
16 May 2016 – Paper submission deadline
- 30 May 2016 – Paper submission deadline
30 June 2016 – Decision notification
31 July 2016 – Camera-ready papers due
6-7 October 2016 – Conference
Target audience
The conference aims to foster interdisciplinary work and linking together participants engaged in the following areas:
Text digitization and OCR.
Digital humanities.
Image and document analysis.
Digital libraries and library science.
Applied computational linguistics.
Interfaces and human-computer interaction.
Topics of interest are all those related to the practical and scientific goals listed above, such as:
OCR technology and tools for minority and historical languages.
Methods and tools for post-correction of OCR results.
Automated quality control for mass OCR data.
Innovative access methods for historical texts and corpora.
Natural language processing of ancient languages (Latin, Greek).
Visualization techniques and interfaces for search and research in digital humanities.
Publication and retrieval on e-books and mobile devices.
Crowdsourcing techniques for collecting and annotating data in digital humanities.
Enrichment of and metadata production for historical texts and corpora.
Data created with mobile devi ces.
Data presentation and exploration on mobile devices.
Ontological and linked data based contextualization of digitized and born digital scholarly data resources.
The conference will take place in the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center (Poznań, Poland), in the framework of the Digitisation Days (6-7 October, 2016).
The following criteria will be applied to all papers submitted to DATeCH 2016 (
Authors are invited to submit full papers of up to 6 pages in length.
Only original material will be accepted.
All submissions will be peer reviewed and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, indexed in a major digital library.
The authors of the best contributions will be invited to prepare an extended version for a collective publication of selected papers in an indexed journal (an additional reviewing process will be applied).
For additional information, please visit or send an email to
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Olivier Brisville-Fertin (11 mai 2016). Appel : “Digital Access to Textual Cultural Heritage – DATeCH” – 6-7 octobre 2016 [Délai : 30 mai]. Doc-Ciham. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse