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Apply : Fellowships and Stipends : HIII Monastic Library

The Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (HMML) is pleased to announce its spring Fellowships.  Scholars and graduate students interested in doing research at HMML are encouraged to apply.  HMML, located at Saint John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota, has created the world’s largest archive of manuscript photographs in both microfilm and digital format. HMML staff travel the world to identify important manuscript libraries that need photographic preservation. HMML’s archives now contain more than 140,000 complete manuscripts, totaling more than 50,000,000 manuscript pages.  For general questions, please contact  For questions regarding Mediterranean Studies, please contact Dr. Daniel K. Gullo at  More information about the fellowships can be found here.
Heckman Stipends

Heckman Stipends, made possible by the A.A. Heckman Endowed Fund, are awarded semi-annually. Up to 10 stipends in amounts up to $2,000 are available each year. Funds may be applied toward travel to and from Collegeville, housing and meals at Saint John’s University, and costs related to duplication of HMML’s microfilm or digital resources. The Stipend may be supplemented by other sources of funding but may not be held simultaneously with another HMML Stipend or Fellowship. Holders of the Stipend must wait at least two years before applying again.   The program is specifically intended to help scholars who have not yet established themselves professionally and whose research cannot progress satisfactorily without consulting materials to be found in the collections of the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library.

Nicky B. Carpenter Fellowship in Manuscript Studies

The Nicky B. Carpenter Fellowship in Manuscript Studies was established in 2012 by Nicky B. Carpenter of Wayzata, Minnesota, a Lifetime Member and former chair of the HMML Board of Overseers. The purpose of the Fellowship is to support residencies at HMML for research by senior scholars using the digital or microfilm manuscript collections at HMML.

The award is $5,000 in support of a residency of at least two weeks. Funds may be applied toward travel to and from Collegeville, housing and meals at Saint John’s University, and costs related to duplication of HMML’s microfilm or digital resources. The Fellowship may be supplemented by other sources of funding but may not be held simultaneously with another HMML fellowship. Holders of the Fellowship must wait at least two years before applying again.

Swenson Family Fellowships in Eastern Christian Manuscript Studies for Junior Scholars

The Swenson Family Fellowship in Eastern Christian Manuscript Studies, established in 2012, will be awarded semi-annually. The Fellowship was established by Dr. Gregory T. and Jeannette Swenson, with their son Nicholas Swenson.

The purpose of the Fellowship is to support residencies at HMML for graduate students or postdoctoral scholars with demonstrated expertise in the languages and cultures of Eastern Christianity. Awardees must be undertaking research on some aspect of Eastern Christian studies requiring use of the digital or microfilm manuscript collections at HMML. The program is specifically designed to aid new scholars in establishing themselves through research focused on manuscripts available through HMML. Postdoctoral scholars are understood to be those who at the time of application are within three years of being awarded a doctoral degree.

Magali Romaggi

Agrégée de lettres classiques, doctorante en littérature médiévale à l'Université Lumière Lyon 2, elle travaille sur la figure de Narcisse au Moyen Âge.

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Magali Romaggi (17 avril 2015). Apply : Fellowships and Stipends : HIII Monastic Library. Doc-Ciham. Consulté le 21 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

Magali Romaggi

Agrégée de lettres classiques, doctorante en littérature médiévale à l'Université Lumière Lyon 2, elle travaille sur la figure de Narcisse au Moyen Âge.

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