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[AAC] Convegno dottorale “Ricostruire la memoria. Percorsi e approci multidisciplinari”– Palerme, 2-4/04/2025 – DL : 07/01/2025

The PhD program in Cultural Heritage of the University of Palermo, part of the Department of Cultures and Society, aims to organize a young researchers conference in 2025 titled “Reconstructing Memory: Multidisciplinary Approaches and Pathways.” The call for papers is directed at PhD students and PhD graduates who have obtained their degree within the last three years.

Conference will be helded from April 2nd to 4th, 2025 at the University of Palermo

The conference seeks proposals that focus on the reconstruction of memory and the historical, social, and cultural context through material and anthropic evidences, supported by documentary sources, artifacts, monuments, works of art, manuscripts, and ancient books, as well as traces of civilizations from prehistory to the end of the modern age.

Proposals should be structured according to one of the following three research lines:

  1. Reconstructing the memory of the ancient world’s landscape through historical-archeological, artistic, and/or technical-scientific analysis of material culture. Proposals should involve the use of material data such as votive objects, everyday items, funerary goods, human osteological remains, faunal, archaeobotanical, and architectural remains to analyze, describe, or recreate anthropized spaces, including sacred, funerary, and residential contexts.
  2. Reconstructing the urban memory through archival and iconographic sources. Proposals should focus on the study of patronage (both religious and civil) and the commissioned works, with an emphasis on the representation and reconstruction of contexts that may be ruined, heavily damaged, and/or altered. Contributions regarding the use or the exploitation of material resources aimed at the construction of public works will also be considered.
  3. Reconstructing the social memory through archival and iconographic sources. Contributions should investigate the processes of memory production and preservation within families and/or social groups, by examining public and private affairs, businesses, and the personal interests of social lineages.

The common purpose is to promote interdisciplinary research and the enhancement of heritage through heterogeneous approaches and technologies, fostering dialogue and the exchange of knowledge, not only concerning content but also the methodologies employed. The areas of reference range from archaeology to medieval and modern history, from art history to museology. Through the exchange and dialogue between the knowledge and methods used for the investigation and promotion of heritage and cultural legacy, the conference will provide an opportunity for young scholars to test their theoretical, methodological, and practical skills, as well as to present their research for discussion.

The PhD program in Cultural Heritage is distinguished by the presence of various scientific fields, covering archaeological and methodological disciplines, art history and museology, history, bio-anthropology, and chemical physical sciences.

In the present context, the reconstruction of memory plays a crucial role in the field of cultural heritage. As custodians of collective memory, it becomes imperative to reconstruct the human experience to ensure the preservation and enhancement of heritage itself.

Participation Guidelines:

Proposals must be submitted by January 7th, 2025, to the following email address:

The call is open to PhD students and recent PhD graduates (within the last three years) from the following scientific-disciplinary fields: Classical Archaeology, Christian and Medieval Archaeology, Archaeology and Art History of the Ancient Near East, Bio-anthropology, Physical Chemistry, Archaeological Research Methodologies, Museology and Art Criticism and Conservation, Medieval Art History, Modern Art History, Medieval History, and Modern History.

Applicants should send an email with the subject: Name, Surname, Scientific field. The email should include: an abstract (in Italian or English) of 250 words maximum, complete with title and five keywords. A brief curriculum vitae must also be included, indicating the applicant’s academic institution, degree(s) and scientific and research interests. Joint proposals (max. 2 speakers) are allowed as well.

Each session will feature a series of lectures, each lasting 20 minutes, followed by a 30-minutes discussion 

Speeches may be given in either Italian or English.

The evaluation results will be communicated by February 2nd, 2025. Submitting a proposal, if accepted, implies a commitment to attend the conference in person. Travel and accommodation expenses are to the account of the participants.

A publication of the conference proceedings is planned.

Organisation :

“Reconstructing Memory” is an initiative promoted and coordinated by the PhD students in Cultural Heritage, with the support and scientific patronage of the PhD Faculty Board and the Department of Cultures and Society of the University of Palermo.

The Organizing Committee: PhD students of the University of Palermo

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Noémie Lacroix (5 décembre 2024). [AAC] Convegno dottorale “Ricostruire la memoria. Percorsi e approci multidisciplinari”– Palerme, 2-4/04/2025 – DL : 07/01/2025. Doc-Ciham. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse

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