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[Appel à contribution] The Adriatic as a Place of (Ex)Change – Doctoral conference – Université de Zagreb (9-11 novembre 2023) – DL : 20 juillet 2023

Following the successful doctoral workshop held in Besançon in 2022 organized in collaboration with Université de Franche-Comté, the doctoral conference The Adriatic as a Place of (Ex)Change will be held in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (University of Zagreb) from 9th to 11th November 2023, and will once again give PhD students and Early Career Researchers (up to 5 years since acquiring PhD) from various disciplines of humanities and social sciences an opportunity to present their research dealing with the problems related to the Adriatic and the changes and exchanges that occurred in its real and imaginary territory.

The Adriatic, one of the liquid plains that made the Mediterranean, as Fernand Braudel refers to it, has often been considered a link between continents. The northernmost arm of the Mediterranean, the sea of intimacy according to Predrag Matvejević, extends from Otranto on the south to the Po Valley on the northwest, dividing the Apennine peninsula from the Eastern Adriatic coast. Today the Adriatic encompasses the areas of six countries: Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania and even Greece if we consider the Corfu island. Following last year’s conference focus on Late Antique and Early Medieval period, the 2023 Zagreb conference will explore the many changes, transitions and conflicts that occurred in the Adriatic area from the medieval up to the contemporary period. This includes the geographic aspects of area as an important crossroads between the East and the West, various socio-historical, cultural or political and economic processes of the region in the longue durée, general periods of stability and instability, system and systemic changes, but also contemporary challenges as well, and their varying effects on inland and coastal cities, rural areas and insular communities. The position of in-between has marked the development of this region in both political and cultural sense, and the questions of borders and touching points between West and East are constantly being reconsidered. The changes which came with modern age have likewise caused transformations of cultural, political and socio-linguistic dynamics that left traces of their own on the “Adriatic civilization”. The period of growing tourism in the more recent history has caused its own transformative effect on the local identities and the cultural heritage that we are still witnessing/experiencing.

By inviting PhD students and Early Career Researchers from a wide spectrum of disciplines, the aim of this conference is to explore all of the multiple faces of the Adriatic and the new approaches to their research. Following the contemporary scientific imperative of interdisciplinarity, the conference will allow students of different PhD programmes and universities to participate in their own exchange of knowledge, skills, good practices and approaches.

The topic Adriatic as a place of (Ex)Change can thus be explored from a variety of different perspectives – here are some of the examples applying the methodologies and preoccupations of different disciplines. In addition to the papers directly dealing with the Adriatic itself, we will also consider those examining problems related to theory, methodology, philosophy and other aspects that are linked to the studies of the Adriatic region. The topics are centred around, but not limited to:

  • Continuously changing landscape of the Adriatic – both historic and contemporary. From changes dictated by various events of historic importance to the 20th and 21st century “apartmanization” of the coast and growing development of tourism
  • Creating, managing, changing and imposing territorial, cultural and linguistic borders in the Adriatic space understood as an “in-between” East and West.
  • Adriatic in historic written accounts. Imagology of the Adriatic space and its inhabitants
  • Coastal and insular populations and their quality of life throughout centuries. Migrations, wars, changing socioeconomic circumstances
  • Culture clashes and cultural synergies, both historic and ongoing
  • Role of cultural heritage in formation of the “Adriatic” identities and/or their transformations
  • Challenges of conserving, managing and presenting diverse cultural heritage in the Adriatic – both tangible and intangible
  • Transfer and/or transformations of artistic forms
  • Adriatic as the sea of a passage: means of communication (land and maritime routes) and their influence on cultural transfers
  • Notable people from the Adriatic region and their accomplishments
  • Adriatic and its place in the history of literature, film and TV
  • Mediterranean roots of philosophy and exchanges of philosophical ideas in the contexts of Adriatic and the Mediterranean
  • Adriatic as an area of entanglement of linguistic influences and practices
  • Specificities and epistemologies of complex cultural/historical areas and their research

Please send paper contributions by 20.07.2023. CALL EXTENDED
Communication time: 20 min
Language of communications: English, French, Italian, German
Contribution length: up to 500 words
Contribution submission and contact: adriexchangeconf[at]

Simon Rozanès

Doctorant en histoire médiévale, j'étudie la vie politique dans les petites communautés de la basse vallée du Rhône, dans une perspective d'histoire "par le bas".

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Simon Rozanès (27 juin 2023). [Appel à contribution] The Adriatic as a Place of (Ex)Change – Doctoral conference – Université de Zagreb (9-11 novembre 2023) – DL : 20 juillet 2023. Doc-Ciham. Consulté le 22 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

Simon Rozanès

Doctorant en histoire médiévale, j'étudie la vie politique dans les petites communautés de la basse vallée du Rhône, dans une perspective d'histoire "par le bas".

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