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[Appel à communications] The Voices of the People. Democratic Participation in European urban centers in the Late Middle Ages

We live in a world of growing debate about the meaning of Democracy. The rise of extreme right-wing parties around the world and the urgent need to discuss liberal democracies place our generations in a key historical moment. It seems to be up also to historians to rethink what we can understand through democratic participation in a collective effort, looking at the past through new points of view.

​This event proposes a discussion of the forms of democratic participation encountered by the people of the urban world of the late Middle Ages (XIVth to XVIth centuries). Here lived and worked different social groups, distinguished by their economic and professional status, but also by their greater or lesser capacity to intervene in the management of the res publica. For this purpose, we will host a roundtable discussion followed by a conference. In these events, we will count on the participation of 4 keynote speakers – distinguished historians within the European historiography on these themes – and 8 lecturers who will propose their papers.

​​Join us at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisboa on May 24th-26th, 2023!

Organizing Committee:

​Scientific Committee:


Source : par Regidel

Simon Rozanès

Doctorant en histoire médiévale, j'étudie la vie politique dans les petites communautés de la basse vallée du Rhône, dans une perspective d'histoire "par le bas".

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Simon Rozanès (4 janvier 2023). [Appel à communications] The Voices of the People. Democratic Participation in European urban centers in the Late Middle Ages. Doc-Ciham. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse

Simon Rozanès

Doctorant en histoire médiévale, j'étudie la vie politique dans les petites communautés de la basse vallée du Rhône, dans une perspective d'histoire "par le bas".

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