[APPEL À CONTRIBUTION] Networks of Women and Objects in the Early Middle Ages, DL 16/09/2022
Organisation : Justine Audebrand, Julie Renou.
Networks of Women and Objects in the Early Middle Ages
Sponsors: LaMOP, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne / LEME, Universidade de São Paulo
This session proposes to explore how women constructed complex political networks through objects during the Early Middle Ages, between the 5th and the 11th century. Those entanglements between women, artefacts and the social environment constitute a new way to conceptualize the gendered construction of identity. Through objects made, commissioned or donated, women shaped their identity in relationship with men (craftsmen or beneficiaries of donations) and women. Our session proposes to use the tools of history and archaeology to understand those gendered networks and the connection between women and artefacts. In this context, it can therefore include jewellery, textiles, manuscripts, seals, or even objects in a fragmentary state such as certain relics. This deliberately broad definition makes it possible to include any form of material expression, at the various stages of production and life of the artefact. We invite the participants to present reflections on the users’ manipulations which generated and/or reinforced networks, from production to use, repair, recycling, and disposal. This approach can be particularly fruitful for the Middle Ages. In a context where the majority of authors are men, objects constitute a privileged means of expression for women, sometimes as a complement to male texts. Therefore, this session aims to offer new ways to understand gender by focusing on materiality and exchanges.
Please submit your paper abstract (250/300 words) to Justine Audebrand (justine.audebrand@univ-paris1.fr) and Julie Renou (julie.renou@outlook.com) by September 16th.
Carnet de recherche FOFMA : https://fofma.hypotheses.org
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
sebastienvillevieille (17 août 2022). [APPEL À CONTRIBUTION] Networks of Women and Objects in the Early Middle Ages, DL 16/09/2022. Doc-Ciham. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/nu9o
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