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Grant Opportunity : UNESCO – Mediterranean Culture/Mediterranean Nationals

UNESCO announces a A 7000 euros Grant for a Project Awarded to a young person from the Mediterranean.

You wish to undertake a project related to Mediterranean cultures or art and crafts? Are you a national from a Mediterranean country? Born after 31 December 1987, you will be under 28 years of age in 2015.

The Marc de Montalembert Foundation offers a 7000 euros grant for qualifying projects. To present a project an application form must be requested before November 15th 2014. Deadline for the dispatch of applications: December 31st, 2014.

In order to encourage better appreciation of the cultures and art and crafts of the Mediterranean region among its young generations the Marc de Montalembert Foundation provides grants for the implementation of projects related to cultures or art and crafts. Projects must be the expression of a personal vocation of the candidates. Projects must be implemented outside the candidates’ home country.

The Foundation expects concrete results from the project. Whatever form of expression chosen – written, oral, visual, … – the outcome must be an original piece of work which the Foundation may consider helping to publish or promote. The candidate may decide to finalize the result of the project in residence at the Marc de Montalembert Foundation on the island of Rhodes in Greece. The subjects treated by grant beneficiaries in twenty years since 1994 come under the headings of: “Sculpture”, “Literature”, “Music”, “Painting”, “ Engraving”, “Architecture”, “Sociology”, “Photography”, “Ethnography”, “Art History”, “Musicology”.

To apply, see

Magali Romaggi

Agrégée de lettres classiques, doctorante en littérature médiévale à l'Université Lumière Lyon 2, elle travaille sur la figure de Narcisse au Moyen Âge.

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Magali Romaggi (1 octobre 2014). Grant Opportunity : UNESCO – Mediterranean Culture/Mediterranean Nationals. Doc-Ciham. Consulté le 22 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

Magali Romaggi

Agrégée de lettres classiques, doctorante en littérature médiévale à l'Université Lumière Lyon 2, elle travaille sur la figure de Narcisse au Moyen Âge.

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